Minecraft, But With Custom Redstone... 🚩 NEW CHANNEL! @Bionic Reacts In todays Minecraft Challenge... We added Custom Redstone to Minecraft! There are new custom redstone variants, like blue stone, green stone, and even black stone! All these new custom stones can be used to create only the craziest redstone creations, farms, and even craft custom new items! Our goal is to harnest all the new Custom Redstone's power, to make an ultimate Superstone Command Block! Can we craft it? Like and SUBSCRIBE to help us get Trending #1! Let's do this! 👀 FOLLOW ME PLS TikTok: @dannybionic Twitter: @dannybionic Instagram: @danny.bionic Discord: https://discord.gg/bionic My Editor: @Mutant #minecraft #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftBut